Dress Code

Listed below are the item numbers for French Toast Uniform items. Even though French Toast is the recommended brand, if you find something comparable that is less expensive, then you may substitute those items. Please make sure they match the French Toast design. Remember, polos should be solid colors, with no insignia’s unless it is our school logo.
Peter Pan Blouses-Light Blue or White (item # 1460 or 1461)
Oxford Shirt- Light Blue or White (item # 1377 or 1378)
Polo shirt- Red, White, Light Blue, Navy, Burgundy, or Hunter Green (item # 1012H or 1466G)
Skirts-Khaki, Navy, or Blue/Red Plaid (item # 1268, 1066G, 1455G, or 1065G)
Scooter-Khaki, Navy, or Blue/Red Plaid (item #1286, 1302, or 1397G)
Shorts (April thru October only)-Khaki or Navy (item # 1303)
Jumpers-Khaki, Navy, or Blue/Red Plaid (item #1352G or 1285G)
Pants-Khaki or Navy (item # 1315G, 1522G) *Stretchy, form fitting legging style pants are NOT allowed*
Sweaters and Vests- Navy only (item # 1371, 1120, 1029G)
Hoodies- Only WWCS spirit wear (October-April only)
Socks or Tights- Solid White, Tan, Navy, or Black
Oxford Shirt- Light Blue or White (item # 1017 or 1020)
Polo Shirt- Red, White, Light Blue, Navy, Burgundy, or Hunter Green (item # 1009 or 1012)
Pants- Khaki or Navy (item # 1519, 1520, or 1524)
Shorts (April thru October only)- Khaki or Navy (item # 1430 or 1431)
V-neck sweaters and Vests- Navy only (item # 1370 or 1029)
Hoodies- Only WWCS spirit wear (October-April only)
Socks- Solid White, Tan, Navy, or Black
SHOES (Boys and Girls)
Solid White, Black, Navy, or Brown ONLY.
Non-scuffing soles only.
*Any brand name or logo on the shoe, must match the shoe color*
Middle School Physical Education
Uniforms are provided for middle school gym classes
Hairstyles must conform to the following guidelines:
Neat, clean and out of eyes-vision must not be obstructed-no bangs hanging down in front of face
Boys can not wear ponytails-boys’ hair length must be above the collar
No unnatural colored streaks or highlights
No extreme hairstyles (including but not limited to Mohawks, shaved designs, etc…)
Decision is left to the discretion of the administration
Dress Down Days (when administration allows it)
Jeans must be neat, clean and hole free and worn at the waist. T-shirts must not display secular rock bands, alcohol, tobacco products, or inappropriate pictures/wording.
Hairstyles must conform to the following guidelines:
Neat, clean and out of eyes-vision must not be obstructed-no bangs hanging down in front of face
Boys can not wear ponytails-boys’ hair length must be above the collar
No unnatural colored streaks or highlights
No extreme hairstyles (including but not limited to Mohawks, shaved designs, etc…)
Decision is left to the discretion of the administration