WWCS Safe Start Plan

Phase 4-5

The following safety protocols are required and must be implemented by all Michigan Schools.  These protocols are the most feasible and will minimize the risk of exposure to COVID 19. These protocols are part of the MI Safe Start Phase in Phase 4.  Phase 5 would have less requirements.  However, Phase 1-3 would result in schools not re-opening for in-person instruction.

I. REQUIRED As Per the MI Safe Start Road Map

A.  Personal Protective Equipment

  • Facial coverings or shields must be worn by staff except for meals.  (Exceptions made for medical reasons, with proper documentation from physician.)
  • Masks can be clear for K- 5th grade staff in order to assist in communication and facial expression for students.
  • When in hallways or in common areas, (not classrooms) students in K – 5th grade must wear a facial covering, except for eating. (Exceptions made for medical reasons, with proper documentation from physician.)
  • Facial coverings or face shields must be worn in classrooms by all students in grades 6-8.  (Breaks will be provided.  Exceptions made for medical reasons, with proper documentation from physician.)
  • Facial coverings must be worn by all K-5 students when in close contact with other students in other classes. (WWCS is preparing daily schedules to reduce close contact with other classes)
  • All students will be required to wear masks during arrival and dismissal times.
  • Homemade or reusable cloth masks must be washed daily.

B. Hygiene

  • WWCS will ensure that adequate supplies are provided in order to support healthy hygiene behaviors. (This includes hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, soap, paper towels, tissues and signs reinforcing proper hand washing techniques.)
  • WWCS will teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or the safe use of hand sanitizer.
  • WWCS will educate students how to cough and sneeze into their elbows, or cover with a tissue and how to properly dispose of used tissue and wash hands immediately after sneezing using proper hand washing techniques.

In addition to the above Hygiene requirements, WWCS staff will also follow these additional recommended hygiene protocols:

  • Systematically and frequently check and refill soap and hand sanitizers.
  • Schedule handwashing with soap for students and teachers every 2 1/2 hours.
  • Limit sharing personal items and supplies (such as writing utensils, etc.)
  • Keep students’ personal items separate as much as possible.
  • Limit use of classroom materials to small groups, disinfect between use, and ensure that students wash their hands before and after use.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be set up throughout the school building.

C. Screening Students and Staff

  • WWCS will cooperate with the local public health department regarding implementing protocols for screening students and staff.
  • All WWCS Staff will be screened daily upon arrival for temperature and other symptoms. Any staff exhibiting symptoms can not stay in the building. (A monitoring form for screening employees will be available.)
  • All WWCS students will be screened daily upon arrival for temperature above 100.4.  Students should not come to school if exhibiting symptoms.   In the event students have symptoms or a fever, they will be quarantined area with a surgical mask. Parents or designated person will have to pick them up immediately.  Parents must have a back up plan if unable to pick up their student.  Students who display symptoms can not stay in the building.
  • Parents should monitor their children.  Any symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough, shortness of breath, must result in student staying home and a include a follow up with a primary care provider.
  • Symptomatic students sent home from school must be kept home until they have tested negative or have completely recovered according to CDC guidelines.

D.  Food Service

  • All lunch time procedures will be in cooperation with local public health department.
  • All lunch staff and volunteers will be required to wear facial coverings.
  • Staff and Students will wash hands before and after eating.
  • WWCS will stagger lunch times and location in order to avoid mixing classes.  Individual classes will have a scheduled time and place for eating lunch. (Classrooms, lunchroom, etc.)
  • For lunch locations other than the cafeteria, hot lunches will be delivered to students.
  • If bringing lunch from home students will use disposable containers.  (Throw away bags and containers must be used until further notice. Students must bring their own utensils with their cold lunch.  Lunch bags must be labeled with student name.)
  • Students will be responsible for bringing their own cold lunch to the lunch room or their designated eating location.
  • For students eating in the cafeteria with their class, seating will be distanced to maintain safety,
  • Students cannot share food.

E. Recess

  • Recess times and locations will be staggered in order to avoid mixing classes.  In the event recess is mixed, students will wear masks if indoors, but this will be avoided as much as possible.  Outdoor recesses will be utilized as much as weather permits.
  • Staff and students will wash hands after recess.
  • Outdoor toys and recess equipment will be class specific and will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.
  • Playground structure must continue to undergo normal routine cleaning.

F.  Other Gatherings

  • WWCS is working on a plan for chapel services.  Assemblies of more than 50 students are not recommended.   Chapel will continue, but not as a whole elementary until further notice.  Chapel will be livestreamed to the classroom. Classes will take turns going to chapel.
  • We will follow the CDC and state recommendations for social distancing for any gatherings.

G.  Extracurricular Activities

  • Extracurricular activities may continue with the use of facial coverings.

H.  Extended Care

  • Policies for before and after school Extended Care will be mandated by State Licensing.

H.  Extended Care

I.  Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

WWCS Re-Opening Committee has carefully reviewed and planned for arrival and dismissal procedures.  Utmost care and safety has been considered.


  • All staff and volunteers assisting with arrival, will wear a mask.
  • Elementary students (K-5) will wear masks upon exiting from vehicles and keep masks on until in their classroom.
  • Middle School students (6-8) will wear masks upon exiting from vehicles and keep masks on throughout the day.
  • Students will go directly to the area where their class is waiting.  Social distancing will be enforced.


  • All Staff and volunteers assisting with dismissal procedures will wear a mask.
  • All students will remain with their class until their vehicle has arrived.
  • Social Distancing will be enforced.

J.  Procedures for Return from Travel

  • If staff or students find it necessary to travel out of state via mass transit, or traveling to over -crowded tourist locations, a negative COVID 19 test is required OR a 10-14 day self-quarantine is necessary. This may be adjusted according to CDC and local health department recommendations.

II. Recommended

WWCS will put in place the following recommended procedures by the MI Safe Start Safety Protocols for Stage 4 for Spacing, Movement and Access.

A. Spacing

  • All unnecessary furniture will be removed from classrooms to allow student desks to be able to be spaced apart. Limiting class sizes is also being considered.
  • Student desks will be spaced apart as far as possible to allow space between student desks.
  • Student desks will face the same direction toward the front of the classroom.
  • Appropriate measures will be taken by teachers to maintain safe distances when working with students.  (Shields, masks, see-through barriers for use of small group instruction, etc…)
  • Classroom windows should be open as much as possible, weather permitting.

B.  Movement

  • WWCS will provide proper signage to indicate proper social distancing.
  • When line formation is anticipated, floor tape or other markers will be used for proper social distancing.
  • Scheduling of students for staggered hallway times will be in place.
  • Signage for one- way foot traffic in the hallways will be implemented.
  • Scheduling for K-5 Enrichment (art, music, Spanish, library) classes will be utilized to allow those teachers to go to the classrooms in order to limit K-5 students having to move to different locations.
  • Planning and scheduling for Middle School core classes and electives that will minimize movement and mixing of classes as much as possible.  (trips to lockers, elective choices, etc…)
  • Entry and Exit doors will be marked and kept separate in order to keep foot traffic moving in a single direction.

C.  Building Access

  • In order to minimize the risk of exposure, Family Members, Volunteers and other guests will only be allowed in the building when pre-arranged and planned.  School Administration reserves the right to deny access.  Anyone entering the building will be screened for symptoms upon entry.
  • Adults entering the building must wear a mask and wash/sanitize hands.
  • Date and time records will be kept of non-school employees entering and exiting the building.

III.  WWCS Protocols for Testing and Responding to Positive Cases

In order to strive for safety for students and staff, WWCS will follow these guidelines of the MI Safe Start Road Map Safety Protocols for Phase 4 in regards to testing protocols and responding to positive cases.  Please note that parents and guardians are encouraged to monitor students daily before coming to school in order to help avoid exposing others and having to be sent home. Any staff or student with a temperature of 100.4 or greater via oral, tympanic or temporal scanners must stay home and consider testing.

WWCS will put in place the following recommended procedures by the MI Safe Start Safety Protocols for Stage 4 for Spacing, Movement and Access.

A.  Testing Protocols

  • WWCS will cooperate with the local public health department regarding implementing protocols for screening students and staff.
  • Staff who develop a fever or become ill with COVID -19 symptoms while at school, will take themselves, or will be transported for off-site testing.
  • It is strongly recommended that any student, while at school, who develops a fever or becomes ill with COVID-19 symptoms and is sent home from school, will be transported by parents for off-site testing.
  • Symptomatic staff and students sent home from school should be kept home until they have tested negative for COVID-19, or have been released from isolation according to CDC guidelines.
  • A doctor’s note verifying negative testing or release from isolation is necessary.

B.  Responding to Positive Tests Among Staff and Students

  • WWCS, will cooperate with the local public health department if a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified, and in particular, must collect the contact information for any close contacts of the affected individual from two days before he or she showed symptoms to the time when he or she was last present at the school.
  • WWCS will also follow the public local health department instructions and guidelines as far as quarantine instructions.
  • Families will be notified of any laboratory positive or clinically diagnosed cases of COVID-19 in the classroom and or school in order to encourage closer observation for any symptoms at home.
  • In the event of a lab or clinically diagnosed positive case of COVID-19, anyone who has been in close contact (more than 15 minutes in close proximity) will be notified and will receive follow-up instructions as communicated from the local health department.
  • Students and staff should be closely monitored for any symptoms of COVID-19.  However, empiric testing of all students or staff is not recommended unless symptoms develop.  Those who develop symptoms are required to be tested.

IV. Athletics

WWCS will abide by the following requirements pertaining to Athletics as per the MI Safe Start Safety Protocols for Phase 4

  • WWCS will comply with all guidance published by Michigan High School Athletic Association and the National Federation of State High School Associations.
  • Students, teachers, and staff must use proper hand hygiene techniques before and after every practice, event, or other gathering.  Every participant should confirm that they are healthy and without any symptoms prior to all practices and games.
  • All equipment must be disinfected before and after use.
  • Inter-school competitions may be held provided that facial coverings are worn if athletes have been transported by bus.
  • Spectators are allowed provided that facial coverings are used by observers and social distancing can be maintained at all times.  Entry and Exits will be monitored in order to prevent crowding.
  • Each participant must use a clearly marked water bottle for individual use.
  • Handshakes, fist bumps, and other unnecessary contact must not occur.

V.  Cleaning

WWCS will abide by the following requirements pertaining to cleaning as per the MI Safe Start Safety Protocols for Phase 4. We are in communication with our cleaning company as well, in order to assure proper protocol will be followed.

  • Frequently touched surfaces including light switches, doors, benches, bathrooms, must undergo cleaning at least every four hours with either an EPA approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.
  • Libraries, computer labs, arts and other hands-on classrooms must undergo cleaning after every class period with either an EPA approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.
  • Student desks must be wiped down with either an EPA approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution after every class period.  (This applies if classrooms are shared by others, but elementary desks will also be wiped down during the day.)
  • Playground structure must continue to undergo normal routine cleaning.
  • All cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be properly stored and securely away from students.
  • Adequate ventilation will be in place while cleaning.
  • Staff must wear gloves, surgical mask and face shield when performing cleaning activities.

As we all know and have experienced, changes and new developments in response to the COVID pandemic are a possibility.  Warren Woods Christian School Board, Administration and Re-Opening Task Force will continue to monitor developments, and communications from authorities.  This plan is subject to change.  Any necessary changes will be communicated to our school families in a timely manner.  You can be confident that student and staff safety, as well as providing the strong, quality, Christian Education that you have come to expect, are our highest priorities.  Thank you for your continued prayers for and support of Warren Woods Christian School.

WWCS E-Learning

Phase 1-3

It is our goal to provide an E-Learning experience for all students in the event schools have to close down and in person instruction is not allowed.

  • WWCS has planned and prepared, to offer an E-Learning educational experience if needed during the 2020-21 school year.
  • WWCS deeply appreciates your participation in helping your child succeed with E-learning.  We hope we do not have to go to Plan B, but in the event that we do, we are prepared to offer a quality E-learning experience for our students.
  • All curriculum necessary will be provided to students for the E-Learning option.
  • Recorded lessons will be uploaded for student instruction as well as the implementation of live Zoom or Microsoft Teams calls for instructional time.
  • Warren Woods Christian School will loan devices to students who do not have access to the necessary technology to insure a successful E-Learning experience.
  • An online training will be provided for students and families for proper E-Learning techniques and requirements.

As we all know and have experienced, changes and new developments in response to the COVID pandemic are a possibility.  Warren Woods Christian School Board, Administration and Re-Opening Task Force will continue to monitor developments, and communications from authorities.  This plan is subject to change.  Any necessary changes will be communicated to our school families in a timely manner.  You can be confident that student and staff safety, as well as providing the strong, quality, Christian Education that you have come to expect, are our highest priorities.  Thank you for your continued prayers for and support of Warren Woods Christian School.